While looking through old documents, it is almost inevitable that the reader's attention will be drawn from the intended target to other articles. The reports below were found in old Ardrossan and Saltcoats Heralds. Although they have no football content, they may be of interest.


            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 6 January 1888

On and after Sunday first (12 February 1888), telegrams will be received and despatched between the hours of 9.00 and 10.00 am. Letters will now be delivered to callers between the hours of 10.00 and 11.00 am instead of between 12.30 and 1.30 pm as formerly.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 10 February 1888

We would remind our local readers of the concert to be given in the Assembly Hall, Ardrossan (shown below as the Winton Rovers' Club in 1974) tonight, Friday (9 March 1888). In addition to the choir of twenty voices under Mr Arnott, Mr McCulloch, Ardrossan and Mr Hall, Irvine take part. Both gentlemen are well qualified to render the songs selected by them. Mr McCulloch is a favourite artiste and on a recent occasion, Mr Hall sang in the Navvies' Hall with grand effect. The choir will give a good account of themselves. We trust the hall will be crowded.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 9 March 1888

We have been asked to direct the attention of the town's authorities to what must be very apparent to themselves - the unsatisfactory and dangerous condition in which the level crossings (shown below in 1974) have been left by the contractor engaged to lay new water pipes. Several days have elapsed since the stones were laid down in a rough and tumble fashion and, should any accident occur from the present condition of affairs, the authorities would certainly be liable.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 18 May 1888

A match was played between these two clubs on Tuesday night (5 June 1888) on the courts of the Paisley Club and resulted as follows. J M Lang and A B Mckechnie, Paisley, beat R McAlpine and W McAlpine, Ardrossan, 6-3, 6-2, 6-3. H MacFarlane junior and J Greenlees junior, Paisley, beat H Becket and W A Becket, Ardrossan, 6-4, 6-3, 6-4. George E Symington and James Begg, Paisley, beat A Fullarton and A C Wood, Ardrossan, 6-2, 6-2, 6-1. Paisley - 9 sets, 54 games; Ardrossan - 0 sets, 24 games.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 8 June 1888

Last Saturday morning (23 June 1888), an unfortunate breakdown occurred here. While a couple of horses were hauling a large log of wood from The Inches to Messrs Lawson and Company's yard, a heavy stress was put on the janker's hooks and chain at the sharp curve behind the signal box going into Princes Street (shown below in 1974). One of the hooks broke and the log, weighing seven or nine tons, fell right across the Glasgow and South-Western Railway level crossing. The train, with passengers from the Arran steamer, Scotia, was due and ere the log could be re-fixed to the janker, the train was detained for a few minutes. The scene was an exciting one.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 29 June 1888

At a special meeting of the Millglen Burgh Commissioners on Monday night (25 June 1888), the offer of Mr James Urquhart, contractor, Shawlands, Glasgow to form the bywash channel at this new reservoir (shown below in 2003), was accepted. The cost will be £958 12s 11d.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 29 June 1888

William Robertson, late coastguard, died at Glasgow Street, Ardrossan on Tuesday evening (31 July 1888) at the advanced age of ninety-seven years. He has been long resident in Ardrossan, although not a native and for many years past, has enjoyed a well-earned pension. He was a native of Montrose where he was taken by the press-gang when aged sixteen. He was also engaged in whale fishing. The deceased was highly respected in the town.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 3 August 1888

An event of the utmost importance, in so far as the future of Ardrossan is concerned, falls to be chronicled this week in the opening of the Lanarkshire and Ayrshire line of railway. The occasion was one in every way worthy of being fittingly celebrated by the inhabitants of Ardrossan and the country through which the line passes as well as those who have a direct pecuniary interest in the success of the undertaking. On Monday morning (3 September 1888), when we left for Glasgow to join the special train at the Central Station which was to go over the new line, many of the inhabitants were astir, busy decorating their houses and places of business and putting themselves in order, rightly, to celebrate so auspicious an event as the opening of the new line at the entry of Caledonian Railway Company into Ardrossan. A contingent of Saltcoats people welcomed the arrival of the train as it passed onwards north of their town through one of the deepest and most troublesome cuttings owing to shifting sand on the line. Slowly it steamed on past Parkhouse Farm and under the South-Western line to Kilbride and Largs at the head of Glasgow Street till it glided past 'Wee Dublin' and into the beautiful new station at the head of Montgomerie Street which was reached at 12 25, the train having travelled all the way slowly to allow its occupants getting a good view of the districts through which they passed and there were slight detentions. The terminus at Ardrossan is charmingly placed with a fine terrace of self-contained houses each with its own little bit of front garden on one side and the open firth on the west side. Indeed, the whole of the station on the new portion of the line is of a light and graceful style of architecture and is constructed of pitchpine. At Ardrossan, the station (shown below right in the early 1910s) was finely decorated and crowded with passengers who gave a cheery welcome to the large complement of ladies and gentlemen who left the train to inspect the progress of the work at the new dock.
           Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 7 September 1888
The rightmost photograph above, taken in 2011, shows the remains of the platform of Ardrossan Station, also called Ardrossan Town Station, Ardrossan North Station, Ardrossan Montgomerie Street Station and Ardrossan Caledonian Station but, perhaps most commonly, the Caley Station.

We would remind our local readers of the visit to Ardrossan of Mr R Smith, sole manufacturer of magnetic curative appliances. Mr Smith visits this neighbourhood for the first time and is prepared and well-qualified to give advice as to the application of curative magnetism and explain the principles of his magnetic appliances. Many in Ayrshire can testify to the great benefit derived from wearing these appliances and the opportunity Mr Smith offers for consultation should be taken advantage of.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 28 September 1888

Last Thursday night week (8 November 1888), two navvies residing in The Huts were behaving themselves in too unpleasant a manner when the genial landlady was compelled to call in the Police to intervene. Sergeant Adam and Constable Henry then, 11 pm on duty, proceeded to The Huts. They resolved to remove the offenders when a wild scene began. Each policeman collared a man but not without great difficulty. Other men inside the huts joined in throwing boots and other missiles at the unfortunate policemen and we were told one man armed himself with a piece of delf to scoop their faces off. The rebellious spirits spread to the dogs in the hut which attacked the policemen, working sad havoc on their clothes. Sergeant Adam was badly bitten on the arm while the teeth of the dogs penetrated the trousers of Constable Henry but fortunately did not injure his person. The latter was also kicked on the legs. When the handcuffs had been secured, the men resisted the Police in the execution of their duty and again assaulted them. On Friday morning (9 November 1888), they were brought up before Provost Hogarth and, to a charge of breach of the peace, they pled guilty and were fined seven shillings and six pence or to go seven days to prison. They were further charged with assaulting the Police when taken into custody. Both denied the charge but were convicted on evidence and sentenced to thirty days imprisonment without the option of a fine, the terms to be consecutive. Provost Hogarth said such cases were becoming too numerous and he would make an example in this instance.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 16 November 1888

The second monthly meeting of this club will be held on Wednesday (21 November 1888) in the Ardrossan Academy (shown below as the ruins of Saint Peter's School in 2002). The criticisms on the sketches will be read and a paper delivered by Mr Workman. It is hoped as many as possible will find it convenient to be present.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 23 November 1888

This band has been holding its meetings weekly in the Ardrossan Free Church (shown below as Saint John's Church in 1913). There is always a big attendance, the children themselves contributing largely in reading and singing to the work. We are informed there will be tonight (30 November 1888) a special limelight entertainment of an interesting character in the same church at seven o'clock. Parents and friends will be made welcome and we hope will turn out well to encourage the children and the work.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 30 November 1888

A wall letter-box has been erected at South Beach Station (shown below in 1986 during refurbishment and in 2011) entrance from Ardrossan South Crescent. This will, no doubt, prove a boon to the people of the district.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 28 December 1888