While looking through old documents, it is almost inevitable that the reader's attention will be drawn from the intended target to other articles. The reports below were found in old Ardrossan and Saltcoats Heralds. Although they have no football content, they may be of interest.

Last Saturday (30 January 1886), the transactions in the Savings Bank were as follows: transactions - 57; amount lodged - £2 18s 9d; sum withdrawn - £0 4s 9d.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 5 February 1886

Will you allow me, through your paper, to thank the ladies and gentlemen in Ardrossan and elsewhere who have, for a number of years, assisted me in my journey through life? In my heart, I am very grateful to everyone who has done me a kindness and I take this means of returning my sincere thanks.
I am yours truly
Mary McCambridge
Harbour Lane
11 February 1886
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 12 February 1886

On Tuesday afternoon (11 May 1886), a horse attached to a machine belonging to Mrs Bailey, Little Busbie, was proceeding along Glasgow Street, Ardrossan and was startled through Mrs Bailey putting up her umbrella while seated in this machine. The animal at once bolted and the driver, Mr David Gemmell, did his best to stop the animal's career in which he was assisted by Mrs Bailey. Their combined efforts, however, failed to stay the animal and through the pulling of the near rein the horse and machine took the turning at Barr Street very sharply, bringing down the lamppost and overturning the machine. Both the occupants were thrown out and Mrs Bailey, in addition to receiving a severe shaking, had her hand injured while her face was slightly cut. Mr Gemmell escaped with a bruised arm and we are glad to say that the injuries in both cases are wonderfully slight considering the risky nature of the accident.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 14 May 1886

On Tuesday evening (11 May 1886), the roof of the Composing Department of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald (shown below in 2002) was observed to be on fire. The alarm was quickly given and, within a few minutes of being discovered, a band of willing workers were applying water to the flames. A fire extinguisher belonging to Messrs Goodwin, iron founders, was used and very effectively prevented the fire from spreading to any extent. The Fire Brigade, too, turned out with commendable promptitude. It was ascertained that the fire was caused by the boiler flue igniting the woodwork but for the prompt measures taken, the damage might have been serious. As it is, it is of small amount and fully covered in the Royal and Northern Assurance Companies.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 14 May 1886

The librarian of the Ardrossan Library acknowledges, as a donation from Hugh Weir, esquire, of Kirkhall, a copy of the Scots Magazine for 1806. It is gifted on condition that it lie in the library for reference.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 4 June 1886

We are glad to learn that a Cycling Club has been formed in Ardrossan with every prospect of being a success. A meeting was held last night and a number of gentlemen enrolled themselves as members and the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: J C Stevens - captain, John Ewer - vice-captain, David H Mack - secretary and treasurer and Duncan Rankin - bugler. The end in view is the encouragement of cycling and an opportunity will be given on Wednesday evening (9 June 1886) for the young men of the district becoming members.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 4 June 1886

The new road at the head of Glasgow Street is on the fair way towards completion. It is being metalled and the footpath on the west side laid with concrete. Would it not be a fitting thing to have a formal opening and a cake and wine luncheon - at the expense of the ratepayers, of course - in honour of such an event? It's a long road that has no turning and its a big brig that has no ending. If the proverb 'slow but sure' is as true as it is trite, the Glasgow Street railway bridge should last a long time.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 9 July 1886

Ardrossan Fair was held on Tuesday (6 July 1886) on the customary stance in Princes Street (shown below in the mid 1910s). There was a good turnout of farmers and dealers. The display of horses was a very meagre one, only four animals of questionable quality being shown. Mr Gilbert Dunlop, Stewarton, who was the principal dealer present showed a lot of feeding stock which brought from six pounds to nine pounds and calving cattle from ten pounds to twelve pounds. Fair prices were obtained for really good stock and the market was a shade brisker than usual.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 9 July 1886

The quantity of coal shipped at the port of Ardrossan for the quarter ending 30 June was 46691 tons - 39711 tons coastwise and 6920 tons foreign against 32319 tons in the previous quarter of which 30700 tons went coastwise and 1611 foreign.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 16 July 1886

The hope that the youth of Ardrossan had of the Commissioners finding a playground for them is still one of hope deferred. Summer is passing and their chance of getting a patch of ground to play their games on is passing with it but youthful discontent remains.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 16 July 1886

The annual general meeting of this Society was held last night (5 August 1886) in the Good Templars' Hall (shown below as the Gospel Hall in 2002) when the sixty-fourth quarterly report was submitted by the directors. The report showed the cash drawings for the quarter ended 5 July to be £2545 15s 0d and a dividend of 3s 6d per £ to members and 1s 9d to non-members was declared. The present membership of the society is 325. A committee was thereafter appointed and general business transacted.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 6 August 1886

Ardrossan boys - very small boys we mean, perhaps bigger ones too - have a touch of clannishness as we heard a batch of them attempts to "boycott" the Saltcoats Bellman while doing duty the other evening by bawling him down. They should be more liberal and allow free trade in bellmen.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 13 August 1886

At Ardrossan Burgh Court on Monday (4 October 1886), before Provost Hogarth, four boys aged from ten to fourteen years were convicted and severely admonished for throwing or discharging stones from catapults on 29 September. The magistrate intimated that such dangerous practices must be stopped and if a similar case was brought before him, the accused party would be differently dealt with.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 8 October 1886

The first game of the season in connection with this club was played on the Mill Pond (shown below as Millglen Caravan Park in 2006) on Saturday (18 December 1886) when four rinks competed with the following result: John Boyd 21, Robert Lochhart 14, J Caldwell 21, J McLean 28. On Monday (20 December 1886), two rinks of the same club met on the Mill Pond and played a game of 21 ends for meals to the poor. The ice was in splendid condition and after a well-contested game, the match ended in favour of Mr John Henderson's rink by a majority of four shots, the scores being: Mr John Henderson 17, Mr William Craig 13. It will be noticed that the Castle Club gained the silver cup and medal at the great bonspiel on Tuesday (21 December 1886). Mr A D Bryce-Douglas, honorary president, becomes the custodier of the cup.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 24 December 1886