While looking through old documents, it is almost inevitable that the reader's attention will be drawn from the intended target to other articles. The reports below were found in old Ardrossan and Saltcoats Heralds. Although they have no football content, they may be of interest.

We are glad to notice that in these days of dull trade, there seems to be no dearth of work in the shipbuilding yard of Mr Archibald Boyd who, on Thursday week (16 January 1879) launched a fishing smack for the Irish fishing from his 'wee yard' on The Inches (shown below in 2003), the dimensions being length of keel - 27 feet. Also launched on Tuesday last (21 January 1879) for the coasting trade, a cargo smack, with dimensions: keel - 46 feet; beam - 16 feet; depth - 7 feet. She was named the Maggie Kerr. The vessels Mr Boyd puts out are known to be good, trig seaboats and he is making for himself a name among the coasters.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 25 January 1879

For the first time in New Ardrossan Parish, the names of two candidates for matrimonial alliance were last week exhibited on the Registrar's door.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 22 February 1879

Those of our readers who know Mr McNeill who has, for a number of years past, acted as telegraphist in Ardrossan will be pleased to learn that he has been preferred by the postal authorities over a large leet of applicants to be Postmaster in Troon. We are certain we speak the mind of all who have had business dealings with Mr McNeill when we say that his removal, while it is a personal gain, will be felt to be a public loss to the district. His intelligence, straightforward conduct, obliging disposition and active habits gained for him here, as we are sure they will elsewhere, the respect of the entire community. The community in Troon may be congratulated on the appointment to the office of a gentleman so able and so thoroughly qualified for duties
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 26 July 1879

This important occupation is being engaged in at present with a larger measure of success than has attended it for several bygone seasons. On several nights lately, fishing smacks reached Saltcoats and Ardrossan (shown above in the early 1900s) Harbours recently with good takes. One from the Sound of Kilbrannan reached Ardrossan Harbour on Wednesday night (13 August 1879) with between twenty or twenty-five maze of herrings which, as she was late in arriving, sold at seven shilling and six pence per maze. They were of good quality.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 16 August 1879

The annual general meeting of the Ardrossan Castle Curling Club was held in the Masons' Lodge on Friday evening (26 September 1879), Provost Barr presiding. The treasurer's books and accounts were examined, found correct and a good balance shown to exist. The following office bearers were elected: Earl of Eglinton - patron; Countess of Eglinton - patroness; Provost Barr - president; Mr John Boyd - vice-president; Provost Barr and Mr John Boyd - representative members; Reverend J D Mc Call - chaplain; Mr John Crawford - secretary and treasurer; Pond Committee - Messrs William Anderson, Matthew Henderson and John Crawford; skips - Messrs John Barr, John Boyd, Robert Boyd; John Emslie, John McLean senior, Robert Lockhart, John Crawford and D Gemmell.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 4 October 1879

We are pleased to notice that a committee of ladies are again interesting themselves in the formation of cookery classes for Ardrossan and Saltcoats. Perhaps no movement was so popular and the results so satisfactory and appreciated as that for the same object two years ago. All classes avail themselves of the opportunities then offered to acquire some knowledge of so necessary an art as cooking and we will be disappointed if an interest as great is not shown on this occasion. The ladies are fortunate in having secured the services of Miss McPherson. With a thorough knowledge, she combines clearness and simplicity of exposition. It will also be noticed that the surplus, after paying necessary expenses, will be devoted to the relief of the poor during the coming winter.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 11 October 1879


From our advertising columns, we notice that a meeting is to be held in Glasgow next week to form a committee and to make the necessary arrangements for the above annual gathering. In previous years, it has been difficult to get sufficient numbers to interest themselves in this reunion and, as we understand that the carrying out of the project will depend entirely upon the number coming forward willing to assist at this meeting, we hope to hear of a large turnout of the young men of the district located in Glasgow and we have every confidence that a very successful social meeting will be the result.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 8 November 1879


From the advertisement in our first page, it will be seen that Mr James Fullerton, Ardrossan has been appointed agent for a new invention which protects the boots. They do not damage the boots by cutting the sole as is the case when using ordinary nails. They are easy on the foot, make little noise, do not cut the carpets and can be replaced without skill or labour. They conduce to health, being calculated to being calculated to keep the feet warm. Make one pair of boots with them last as long as four pairs without them and are made all shapes and sizes. If the above advantages are guaranteed in the use of these protectors, we may prognosticate, in a sense, 'Othello's occupation's gone!".
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 15 November 1879

A meeting of gentlemen favourable to the formation of a choral union in Ardrossan was held in Andrew's Temperance Hotel on Friday evening (19 December 1879). It was resolved to form such a society under the title The Ardrossan and Saltcoats Choral Union. Mr George Crawford, leader of psalmody in Ardrossan New Parish Church (shown below as Barony Saint John's Church in 2009), has been appointed conductor and Mr Richard Fraser, secretary. The union will meet for practice every Tuesday evening at eight on and after Tuesday 6 January 1880. We understand that about seventy members have already been enrolled and we hope to hear that still more may see their way to do so.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 27 December 1879